Friday, February 24, 2012

Bonjour à tous, even if it's bonsoir on our side of the pond. Sorry for the delay, but as you can imagine we've been quite busy!

Yesterday we began by excursioning out to Versailles to appreciate the grandeur of French royalty with a visit of the interior followed by 'discreet' picnic in the gardens.

Afterwards Mr. Kimball took a group through the catacombes--Paris's underground crypt, while a small group went shopping at the Left Bank boutiques. We reunited in time for a group dinner where we had a private room. We were impressed to see some students feel moved to give impromptu toasts about how much they've been enjoying the trip. Trust us, that doesn't happen with every group :)

Today we had an efficient check-out (minus the tour bus getting stuck on a small Paris street) and were at Chambord castle by 10:30. If this castle is the most stately of the Loire Valley's collection, our next stop at Chenonceau is the most elegant. A number of students reported this as their favorite stop of the trip to date.

Around 6:30pm we pulled into the parking lot at Lycée Chevrollier where our students were reunited with their host brothers and sisters. There were some deafening squeals and more bises-hug-face smash embraces. Now, everyone is safely with their host family, eating well and resting up. Call it château fatigue if you will, but we're sure all the students will appreciate a day or two of rest en famille with no site-seeing.

Next update: Monday 27 Feb

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